“What’s your favourite place?” – a question I’ve been asked more times than I can recall over the years, and one that’s nearly impossible to answer. So, I’ve made a list that spans the globe, from Aachen to Zurich and every letter in between: My ABCs, though are not nearly as simple as 1-2-3. Today, F is for France:

F – Don’t ask me which part – from the sun-drenched Riviera to the charming Loire Valley, and the lights of Paris to the mountain villages of the Alps – the diversity is breathtaking, so, I simply choose France. Tout.
I have bared more than my soul on the beaches of St. Tropez and combed the Catacombs and searched for Jim Morrison’s grave in Paris, and lingered in the Louvre for hours.

I have sipped champagne in Champagne, picnicked in Provence, dined on delectable paté and Armagnac in Aquitane, and been served foam in a Michelin restaurant.

Not to mention having learned to drive standard in Paris (what was I thinking?), slept on the rocky beach in Nice (just beyond the town limits and the reach of the baton-happy gendarme), and pushed a rental car with no gas the last kilometre to Calais.

But no matter, every memory is unique, indelible and simply incroyable. And there is so much more to do.

Unlike the song, I have not been everywhere, so please don’t wonder why one of your favourites wasn’t one of mine. Instead, tell me at I’m already thinking about my next list.

Stay tuned to future issues for the rest of the list. And for previous entries, click HERE.