NO SOUP FOR YOU!: Mona Lisa again victim of protestor prank

Leonardo da Vinci may as well have put a bullseye, rather than an enigmatic face, on the Mona Lisa, as the iconic painting and tourist attraction in Paris’s Louvre Museum has once again been defaced by protesters, this time by a smattering of pumpkin soup.

Two climate activists hurled the liquid at the glass protecting the painting and shouted slogans advocating for a sustainable food system. The actual painting was not damaged.

In a video posted on social media, two women with the words “FOOD RIPOSTE” written on their T-shirts could be seen passing under a security barrier to get closer to the painting and throwing soup at da Vinci’s masterpiece.

“What’s the most important thing?” they shouted. “Art, or right to a healthy and sustainable food? Our farming system is sick. Our farmers are dying at work.”

The Louvre employees could then be seen putting black panels in front of the Mona Lisa and asking visitors to evacuate the room.

Paris police said that two people were arrested following the incident.

On its website, the Food Riposte group said the French government is breaking its climate commitments and called for the equivalent of the country’s state-sponsored health care system to be put in place to give people better access to healthy food while providing farmers a decent income.

Angry French farmers have been using their tractors for days to set up road blockades and slow traffic across France to seek better remuneration for their produce, less red tape, and protection against cheap imports. They also dumped stinky agricultural waste at the gates of government offices.

It’s not the first time the renaissance masterpiece has been attacked. Over the years, it has been stolen, sprayed with acid, hit with a rock, smacked with a teacup, and, most recently, smeared with cake frosting in 2022.