KEEPING THE LIGHTS ON:US readies for return of Canadians

With the Canada-US border still closed to non-essential travel (currently until Jan. 21), Canadians still can’t visit the US. But that doesn’t mean we can’t continue dreaming of it, say US tourism officials.

“For many of us, our first trip outside Canada, ever, was to the United States,” says Ann Layton of Siren Communications, which represents Visit the USA in this country. “I think we took it for granted, so I think there is much to look forward to over the next year (when travel returns).”

Tom Garzilli, chief marketing officer at Brand USA, the destination marketing organization for the United States, says the US is equally eager for that day.

“Canada is our closest neighbour, our closest friend, and our biggest tourism market, so you’re always front and centre in our thinking and our outreach,” he stated during a recent webinar. “So, as we do get encouraging news around vaccines and when things are going to return to normal – and we still have a little way to go – at least we can start dreaming and planning.

Tom Garzilli

“We’ve all looked forward to getting to this moment where you know consumers are going to start in earnest to really think about their travel, and we want to be in front of them,” he continued.

Garzilli says Brand USA’s mission is to promote the country to and through its gateways and “all the amazing experiences you can have here, including spirits and food and music and so on.”

And that suits Canadians, who “like to explore more and see new things,” perfectly, he says.

The CMO points out the obvious – “a challenging nine months or so” during the pandemic – which makes Brand USA’s marketing mission particularly difficult. He acknowledges, “Our role, really, has been to keep the lights on.”

And that includes helping stakeholder partners survive, including creating “re-entry vehicles” for them, including the newly launched “Brand USA Global Marketplace,” a one-stop shop designed for US travel partners and international audiences to interact while international travel is limited due to the impacts of COVID-19.

The custom-built, always-on, virtual platform, which will serve as a “reimagined version of traditional trade shows and industry events,” provides access to a diverse range of US destinations, attractions, and points of interest for the international travel industry.

The virtual global marketplace is being rolled out in global destinations “as place to bring our stakeholders and the buyers and the media of the world together,” says Garzilli, who revealed that the platform will host a “Focus on Canada” event on Jan. 13 and 14, 2021.

Other marketing measures, such as Brand USA’s films and the GOUSA TV streaming channel “continue to inspire to consumers as we wait to get through this.”

On the trade side, training continues for hundreds of travel agents in Canada, he adds.

“We’re just doing everything we can,” says Garzilli, “to keep interest in and knowledge of the US alive.”