IT’S MONEY HONEY: Exorbitant costs make the Maldives less desirable to many

The island of Maldives in the North Central Indian Ocean, is high on the ‘gotta go’ list of many travellers. Who can resist an alluring island, graced with stunning white sand beaches, luminous cyan-blue waters, and dazzling coral reefs. And, it’s not just brochure BS, the beauty of this paradise seems infinite – but there’s a catch – an underreported story that raises eyebrows.

Maldives – the paradise turned ridiculously pricey,” warns Julliana Marshall, an expert from the International Drivers Association. Armed with substantial experience and data, she claims this island paradise’s soaring costs have made it the least desirable destination this year.

Money Can’t Buy You Happiness

If you’re considering a trip to the Maldives, prepare to dig deep into your pockets. Accommodation in luxurious resorts can skyrocket above $5000 per night, depending on your choice of hotel. And, accommodation accounts for 44% of your overall budget.

The costs keep mounting. Anecdotes of tourists finding themselves paying upwards of $400 for a casual group meal are far from rare. To rub salt to this monetary wound, routine activities like boat trips often come with a hefty price tag, too.

Only a deep plunge into the statistics can illuminate the exact expenditure. According to statistics, the average spend per visitor reached a staggering $2,507 in 2021, a figure that has increasingly shown an upward trend over the years. In a survey, most visitors on the island spend between $1,000 and $5,000, while others can splurge as much as $20,000.

“The cost of a single night in a resort will now burn a hole in your pocket. Including all major expenses, a week-long stay easily reaches five-figure sums,” comments Marshall.

To have an idea, here are some key areas you expect to splurge your dollars:

  1. Accommodation: Luxury resorts, once deemed worth every penny, have significantly hiked prices.
  2. Dining: Experiencing the local cuisine has become a pricey affair.
  3. Excursions: Even basic activities, like snorkelling and boat rides, now cost a fortune.
  4. Transportation: Expect to dig deeper into your pockets for transfers between islands

Beauty on a Budget: A Myth

Despite its undeniable allure, the Maldives is severely lacking in budget-friendly options for those seeking a more affordable tropical retreat. Sure, the Instagram-worthy floating breakfasts and extravagant spa services are enticing. However, it’s crucial to remember the mind-boggling prices that come as a part of the package.

“Travel to Maldives has become an act of splurging, not spending. It’s a luxury the average person cannot afford,” observes Julliana Marshall. As such, the International Drivers Association suggests exploring other less expensive but equally beautiful beach destinations, such as Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines.

These nearby places offer similar lush landscapes, turquoise waters, and cozy accommodations while staying within a reasonable budget. The Maldives, on the other hand, seems to revel in its reputation for luxury, making it far too exclusive for the average wanderer.

An Incomplete Paradise Experience
Tourists visiting the Maldives often wish to immerse themselves in the local culture, delve into the island’s history, and build lasting memories. Unfortunately, the Maldives, with its focus on high-end experiences, may fail to deliver on these expectations.

Experiencing life as the locals do, exploring the world beyond walled-off private islands, and partaking in authentic cultural experiences may prove challenging in the Maldives. Furthermore, many tourists may feel disheartened knowing that their lavish Maldivian experiences starkly contrast with local lives, as evidenced by the dramatically different living conditions in the capital city of Malé.

So, while the Maldives might seem like the epitome of the dream vacation, it’s crucial to think about what you’re seeking from your 2024 travel experience. If it’s an accessible and culturally enriching experience that stays within budget, look beyond the Maldives.

With research from: