Over the last few months, the American Hotel & Lodging Association has urged hotels to require face masks for all guests, which sources said so far has been well-received. But for those guests not willing to comply, it requires some extra attention.

In July, the AHLA launched its “Stay Safe Guest Checklist” to create a standardized safety experience across all hotels in the US Top of the list includes required face coverings in all indoor public spaces and social distancing.

Chip Rogers, president and CEO of AHLA, said the next phase of its Stay Safe training for guest-facing staff will include how to answer guests’ questions around face coverings and get them to be 100% compliant with the requirement. AHLA is also working with the brands to develop a universal set of guidelines to help both small and large hotels navigate these challenges.

“Right now, hotels are (navigating) it on an individual, case-by-case basis, similar to what they would do for smoking in the lobby when that was not allowed or, back in the old days, it was ‘no shirt, no shoes, no service.’ Those types of things, hotels have always dealt with,” he said.

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