HOLIDAY STRESS BUSTERS: A quick survival guide

And just like that, the holidays are here. The lights, the dinner parties, the endless stream of Hallmark movies; Andy Williams said it best, it’s the most wonderful time of the year. Of course, this wouldn’t be complete without the chaotic whirlwind of travel considerations, eggnog and yet another pair of slippers from Aunt Mae.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the social gatherings that this time of year brings, but getting the whole gang together under one roof has its challenges. Challenges that seem to be expanding beyond general dynamics and personalities, and into dietary restrictions, personal preferences and finding that perfect gift for the person who has everything.

It’s no wonder the joys of the holidays share the same breath as the laundry list of stresses this time of the year brings. Unfortunately, there’s nothing I can do about the airport crowds or wild weather patterns that threaten to throw a wrench in your carefully scheduled holiday season. I do however have some tips to help you take it all in stride.

Take a brisk walk outside.

Exercise helps boost those feel-good endorphins, especially when you’re outside in the sun and fresh air! The best part is, research shows that these mood-boosting benefits hang around for up to 12 hours. Take a quick jaunt in the morning and you’ll be good ’til night. Not to mention being active helps to add a bit of balance that allows you to relax and enjoy all of the meals and the desserts too!


I know this sounds like the last thing we need to be doing more of before embarking on a string of feasts that make you feel more stuffed than the holiday turkey but you don’t want to be skipping meals on account of the excess you’re planning for later. Undereating, and/or drinking coffee on an empty stomach, leaves you more susceptible to the hangry feelings that accompany low blood sugar levels. Let’s be honest, sometimes your family gets on more than just your last nerve!


How about giving back to your community to give you those warm and fuzzies this time of the year. I know, I know, as if you’re just sitting around looking for another commitment, but sharing your time with those less fortunate helps you to appreciate all that you have in that family of yours.

There’s no other time that brings everyone (and their quirks) together quite like the holiday season, and the real beauty of celebrating with your loved ones may just be that it only comes but once a year. So do your best to take a deep breath and embrace the positives and release the expectations you have for yourself, and others too, as Willie Nelson once said, “If you want to get along with someone, let them be themselves.”