What are people missing the most during these pandemic lockdowns? Many will tell you they really miss family get-togethers, those multi-generational celebrations when families get to spend quality time with each other, to exchange gossip, to laugh, to share a meal – they even miss the friendly arguments that often ensue at such occasions. What they want to do most – as soon as they can – is to get back together – and many want to do that on a holiday together.

The idea of reconnecting on a sunny beach, or relaxing by a pool, or sipping a tropical drink, be it at a resort or on a cruise ship is high on their list of ‘what to do when we can do it’. They dream of once again enjoying the company of their children, grandchildren, siblings – their family – in a safe and secure environment.

As the prospects of such dreams turning to reality become more likely in the months ahead, Sunwing is offering some exclusive offers and special deals for small groups at resort destinations in the Caribbean and Mexico.

If you or your clients are looking at small group getaways – check out Sunwing’s offers HERE