CRUISE CONTROL: Six Questions People Don’t Ask, but Should When Booking a Cruise

10 MAR 2017: You’ve settled in to a nice suite high in the ship. You’ve got a big balcony, convenient to the elevators and restaurants. Great, sounds like it’s shaping up to be a dream cruise.

But what’s that noise? You’re ready to turn in, but the party is just getting started in the show lounge right below your cabin. And in the spa above you, someone’s doing step  aerobics.

As ships grow larger, the mix of public and private areas has become increasingly complex, putting jazz clubs  or restaurants adjacent to prime accommodations. Depending on your tastes, it might be the best thing to be near a restaurant, laundromat or a smoking lounge–or it could be the worst idea possible.

As a companion to our tips for picking the cruise cabin that’s best for you, here’s advice on scoping out where potential issues might be lurking.

Read it all in The Cruisington Times