CRUISE CONTROL: Cruising with Zombies Rockers and Jokers

21 JUL 2017: Hey, your bloody face looks ultra-realistic. Thanks, I love the way that tie looks like it’s strangling you. Do you dream of cruising with thousands of zombies? It’s actually a thing, but you’re out of luck for next year, unless you’ve already booked. That’s because the 2018 Walker Stalker cruise is already sold out.

You’re likely to find the same is true if you want to join boatloads of hard rockers or practical jokers, country outlaws or classic movie fans.

Theme cruises have become such phenomena that people who disembark from one are ready to sign up for another the following year, Alec Wooden , the marketing and social media director of Sixthman Productions told Wallace Immen of The Cruisington Times.

Read it in The Cruisington Times: