VIRTUALLY THERE: A slice of paradise in Grenada

As someone who remembers when television broadcast in black and white with about six channels, let me tell you, the wonder never ceases when a bit of technological wizardry can whisk one away on the Internet to a destination – even if it’s only in spirit – that is physically out of reach, as most are during the pandemic.

And while the ability to do so is no longer new – many destinations produce live streams videos and/or 360 interactive features to help viewers feel like they’re there, as much as possible – the Grenada Tourism Authority deserves credit for taking the concept a step further with two video experiences that “bring the magic” of Grenada, Carriacou, and Petite Martinique to virtual visitors stuck at home.

Through its “Pure Grenada” marketing campaign, the GTA has partnered with local service providers to produce two YouTube videos that uniquely allow viewers to click and drag around the screen for a 360-degree panoramic experience while listening to a real guide, just as if they were on tour in person (almost).

The first video, clocking it at 10 full minutes, features a hiking excursion set in the lush green Grand Etang Rain Forest with views of the volcanic Crater Lake, while the second (just under five minutes) highlights a destination experience complete with some of the most picturesque spots in Grenada, including renowned Grand Anse beach.

These videos were premiered via virtual reality technology to travel agents hosted by American Airlines at Silversands Grenada recently and received rave reviews.

Speaking of this new focus, GTA Chief Executive Officer Patricia Maher says, “At a time when global travel is challenged, it is the perfect opportunity to invest in these new technologies in which visitors have a more immersive experience and at the same time feel inspired to visit the destination.”

Check out one of the videos