TRAVEL ABCs: Ecuador

“What’s your favourite place?” – a question I’ve been asked more times than I can recall over the years, and one that’s nearly impossible to answer. So, I’ve made a list that spans the globe, from Aachen to Zurich and every letter in between: My ABCs, though are not nearly as simple as 1-2-3. Today, E is for Ecuador:

From the depths of the Amazon basin, where I ate grubs, to the Galapagos islands where, on a beach, I came face to face with a sea lion that could not have been less concerned by my presence, Ecuador has been the standard bearer for authentic and experiential long before they became buzzwords for millennials.

In addition to the South American country’s boasting the greatest bio-diversity on earth, there’s also Spanish colonial history, including the best-preserved colonial town centre in the Americas (Quito), and colourful indigenous highland villages, like Otavalo with its bustling market (where I bought a long-serving expertly crafted leather camera bag that I have never adequately been able to replace).

Visitors can stand on the Equator, take a terrific train trip through the Avenue of the Volcanos, and visit four UNESCO heritage sites (including Quito and the Galapagos) as well as peruse the pyramids of Cochasqui.

One might also buy a chapeau since – fun fact – the Panama Hat was invented here.

Unlike the song, I have not been everywhere, so please don’t wonder why one of your favourites wasn’t one of mine. Instead, tell me at I’m already thinking about my next list.

Stay tuned to future issues for the rest of the list. And for previous entries, click HERE.