10 JUL 2017: The national carriers of Jordan and Kuwait announced Sunday that passengers will once again be allowed to carry personal electronics, including laptops, on board US-bound flights, ending a ban that had been imposed in March. However, as one of our readers rather cleverly pointed out to me on Friday when we reported that Qatar Airlines was the “Third airline to have the ban lifted’ – no airlines have been banned from allowing laptops and other electronics on board – it was airports on which the ban imposed.

Those airports were Amman, Jordan; Kuwait City; Cairo; Istanbul; Jeddah and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; Casablanca, Morocco; Doha, Qatar, and Dubai and Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates.

The US laptop ban still applies to nonstop US bound flights from four airports in Cairo; Jeddah and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; and Casablanca, Morocco.

The US had issued the ban over concerns Islamic State fighters and other extremists could hide bombs inside laptops.

Royal Jordanian said Sunday it had implemented “enhanced security measures” in line with US Department of Homeland Security requirements. The airline did not describe the new measures. Royal Jordanian operates 16 weekly non-stop flights to Chicago, New York and Detroit.

Kuwait Airlines said the decision to lift the ban came after US officials inspected the carrier’s security measures.