G Adventures has launched its popular annual ‘G-Normous’ agent incentive, a four-month competition that offers travel advisors up $40k in prizes, including a $10,000 “G dollar’ grand prize that can be put towards any trip with the company. Also in January, the G Adventures ‘Great Adventure Sale’ offers up to 25% off the price of over 500 trips for clients (for travel through Dec 15).

Running until April 30, the 12th annual G-Normous offers weekly and monthly prizes for top sellers in various categories as well as top-secret random prizes throughout, including trip giveaways. The more agents sell, the greater the chances of winning. The top seller earns the grand prize.

Throughout the four months, G Adventures will be supporting advisors and boosting sales power with exclusive offers, bonus commission periods, destination spotlights, and consumer sales, all designed to help advisors sell more trips and increase their chances of winning prizes.

“Here at G Adventures, we’re ringing in 2025 with another epic G-Normous incentive for our agent community,” says David Green, G Adventures managing director in Canada. “We’re always blown away by our agents’ spirit of competition and dedication to selling life-changing trips…

It’s just one way we want to thank our amazing agents for all their hard work over the past 12 months.”

Green notes that G Normous runs alongside the ChangeMakers agent incentive, which offers agents the opportunity to win a spot at GX Jordan this September.

In addition to G Normous and the Great Adventure Sale, through January travel advisors can take advantage of an exclusive pricing offer on Geluxe bookings, with up to 15% off a huge selection of trips in one of G Adventures’ newest trip styles, which features upgraded accommodation and elevated dining options.

Agents are encouraged to visit G Adventures’ Agents of Change facebook page for up-to-the-minute information and details on exclusive monthly offers.

All agents with a G Adventures Sherpa account are automatically registered for G-Normous. Agents without a Sherpa account must register through their agency manager at www.gadventures.com/agents/register/. Regardless of travel date, agents will receive an entry for every new booking made on a G Adventures tour from Jan. 1 to April 30, 2025.

For more information on G-Normous, isit www.gadventures.com/gnormous.

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