17 JUL 2018: You what?! That, or a blank stare, were the two standard reactions to the “so what are you doing now?” question. My answer in between, at the time, was that I was working at a colon hydrotherapy clinic supporting health and changing the world, one bowel flush at a time. But, enough about me.
With alternative health practices exploding and the wellness-based travel industry booming, chances are you or someone you know has heard about the process of colonics or colon hydrotherapy. If you’ve ever thought about adding this regime to your next wellness retreat, here is the skinny on everything you need to know.
Colonics essentially flush the waste out of your body.
The colon is your body’s ideal avenue for eliminating waste. While it is designed to take care of this elimination function on its own, in today’s less than perfect world we need a helping hand. Not only are we exposed to more environmental toxins and pollution than ever before, we are also eating a diet lacking in many of the fibrous foods that support a good satisfying poop. Not to mention, our lifestyles are chronically devoid of physical activity and are overloaded with stress, which means digestive function is ground to a screeching halt.
During a colonic, water flows into the body using the gentle force of gravity, and as it fills, it creates pressure on the walls of the colon. This sends signals to the brain that say we are full and ready to make a move. In response to this pressure, the brain initiates the orchestra of muscular contractions in the colon walls which work together to propel everything out.
Talk about an energy boost!
Plain and simple, the longer the waste stagnates in your colon, the worse you feel. By ensuring we are eliminating waste effectively from our bodies we have more energy and vibrancy to go on with our life. When we’re backed up, other areas have to pick up the slack, which means the skin, lungs, and kidneys take the brunt of our garbage disposal chores. Acne or other skin rashes, respiratory conditions and kidney problems can be common side effects of a sluggish colon.
Think of colon hydrotherapy like going to the gym.
…a gym for the muscles of your waste machine that is. By stimulating the muscular contraction to move things along, colonics can help strengthen your colon to be a more effective eliminator in the long run. Especially when you compare colonics to laxative use which actually irritate the colon and lead to dependence with consistent usage.
For many of us, our waste machine is in serious need of a tune-up. It is estimated that up to 30% of North Americans suffer from constipation. I’ll bet you don’t think that applies to you, but let me ask you this. How often do you go number two? Unless you answer 2-3 times per day about half an hour after meal times, you’re backed up.
Even if you take out the trash each week, sometimes you need to hose out the bin.
While diet and lifestyle changes of drinking water, eating high fiber whole foods and reducing stress will help to turn you into a smooth operator. Colonics can help support that transition. Even if you are regular, a deep spring clean every so often can be an effective way to get ahead. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and let’s be honest, there really is nothing quite like a satisfying poop.
BUT you need to be aware of bacteria.
This is a big butt, I mean but. You absolutely cannot embrace colonics without consideration to the healthy bacteria that reside in your gut. The majority of them are found in our colons and are crucial to our overall wellbeing.
Name a condition and I can almost guarantee there is a study that sings the praises of our good gut bugs.
In colon hydrotherapy sessions, you have to be incredibly mindful of the bacteria that is also being flushed out with the waste. You CANNOT have these procedures without replenishing your intestinal bacterial colonies. Otherwise, you will end up making things worse for yourself with digestive discomfort and other symptoms that are indirectly linked. This means taking a probiotic supplement and especially eating lots of fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, and kefir. It’s also a great idea to prioritize lots of whole grain high fiber foods that the gut bugs love – asparagus, Jerusalem artichoke, garlic, and leeks are some of their favourites.
Colon hydrotherapy is something that has been around for hundreds of years and can be a very useful tool for optimizing your overall body functioning. Every body is different and – different strokes for different folks – so I always encourage people to try colonics because it could be life-changing. They are fantastic when coupled with other healing modalities such as yoga and can work really nicely as a total body reset or periodic spring cleaning along with your next retreat.
As always, be sure to do your research when planning for colonics on your next wellness vacation to be sure that you select a reputable place, I’d hate for you to get hosed.