ANOTHER DELAY: Virgin picked an awkward year for a coming out party

Scarlet Lady in sea trials. Photo courtesy Virgin Voyages

Talk about unfortunate timing. Virgin Voyages–consummate showman Richard Branson’s most audacious production yet–was originally due to launch just when cruising was being shut down worldwide this spring.

After just one chilly inaugural sailing from Britain in February, the oh-so over the top Scarlet Lady has had to cool her heels off the coast of Florida amid a sad crowd of other furloughed ships. The cruise lockdown forced putting off the first voyages from Miami from April to July. A planned gala naming ceremony in Miami was rescheduled for August.

Now Virgin Voyages has pushed those plans back again, moving the earliest date for a first cruise to Oct. 16, and putting off the naming ceremony until sometime in early 2021. Ouch.

Read it all in the Cruisington Times