A collective exhale from ACTA golfers in Ontario pushed the remnants of Hurricane Beryl just far enough to allow the association’s 34th annual tournament to get off the tee on Thursday, enabling a mostly sunny and typically enthusiastic event that allowed for a little welcome R&R for many members after what association president Wendy Paradis noted was a particularly challenging couple of weeks thanks to the aforementioned hurricane and WestJet strike woes.
Over 130 eager industry golfers turned out to the Royal Ontario course in Milton, Ont., rising to nearly 200 attendees for the post-game cocktail reception and dinner.
At dinner, Paradis updated the gathering on ongoing ACTA initiatives – Ontario Travel Industry Act revisions, industry recruitment, and more – but mostly the day was about agent togetherness and unity, with Paradis noting that the association’s commitment to “creating a better travel industry” was reliant on the efforts of a “global village” to do so.
But the event was also about networking with colleagues new and old, and from near and far as several attendees jetted in from across Canada, the US, and Mexico – and industry partnerships from over two dozen sponsors, notably Air Canada (title sponsor), Manulife (premium sponsor), Globus family of brands (major sponsor), and Los Cabos (destination sponsor).
And, of course, the golf – with plenty of prizes and fun, including a host of on-course activations including games and goodies, snacks – there were even fruit cups at the Los Cabos tent! – and, of course, the requisite drink samplings, such as gin from Ireland and rum from Barbados.
Here are just a few images from the event: