ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AT HEATHROW: Canadian technology to help expedite landings

28 JAN 2019: At London’s Heathrow airport air traffic controllers have begun testing AI and machine learning technology in an attempt to expedite aircraft landings in low visibility. They are testing ultra high-definition cameras which feed views to an AI platform, called Aimee, which was developed by Canada’s Searidge Technologies. At 87m tall, Heathrow’s control tower can disappear into low cloud, even when the runways below are clear, consequently when visibility is poor, controllers have to rely on radar to know if an arriving aircraft has left the runway – a system that requires allowing extra time between each landing to ensure safety.

This leads to a 20% loss of landing capacity, which creates flight delays and subsequent disruptions.

The new technology will interpret the images from the cameras and inform controllers when an aircraft has cleared the runway, allowing them to clear the next flight to come in to land.

The same technology could also be used control Heathrow’s third runway due to open for flights by 2025, removing the need to construct a new control tower to oversee the strip north and west of the existing one.

Andy Taylor, NATS chief solution officer, said, “Right now we’re focusing on when the control tower is in low cloud, where I’m confident we can make a very positive difference, but I am convinced that this technology can totally revolutionize how air traffic is managed at airports around the world.”

Kathryn Leahy, director of operations at Heathrow Airport said, “We’ll be keeping a close eye on this trial, as the technology could have a major role as we prepare for the expanded airport. We will watch how AI and digital towers could be used to monitor all three of the expanded airport’s runways in future.”

Liz Sugg, minister for aviation at the Department for Transport, added, “I’m determined that this (aviation) sector continues to drive up standards, and investing in innovative technology is good news for passengers and good news for airlines, helping improve journeys and customer satisfaction.”