New figures show that Scotland experienced a record-breaking influx of international visitors in 2023, welcoming 3.9 million tourists, marking a 15% increase from 2019. The 2023 International Passenger Survey by the Office of National Statistics showed a significant 23% increase from 2022, which saw 3.2 million visitors, and the previous record was set in 2018 with 3.7 million visitors.

North American visits rose by 16% and accounted for 24% of all visits and 39% of total spending. European visitors represented 58% of visits and 39% of spending, while tourists from the rest of the world contributed 17% of visits and 21% of spending.

VisitScotland Chief Executive Malcolm Roughead said: “These figures mark a turning point for tourism in Scotland, showing not only recovery but crucially growth in international visitors with number of visits and spend now above 2019 levels. Scotland is the only UK region to have reached this milestone. “They are further evidence of the strength of Scotland’s offering and the clear desire for people across the world to experience this, with record demand from North America.”

He added, “Our international visitors are hugely important to Scotland’s tourism industry, as well as the wider economy. They often stay longer and spend more, generating several billions of pounds annually, supporting a wide range of businesses, jobs and communities across the country.

“Early feedback from tourism businesses, travel trade and airline partners are this international demand is continuing into 2024 with increasing interest for visiting at different times of the year and exploring lesser-known locations.”

New survey 

Meanwhile, VisitScotland’s latest Scotland Visitor Survey reveals a growing reputation for Scotland as a must-visit and must-return destination. The survey, conducted in 2023 and one of the biggest undertaken by the national tourism organization, found that 82% of visitors are likely to recommend Scotland, up from 75% in 2015/16. And over three quarters (80%) expressed intent to return within the next five years.

This survey, typically conducted every few years, offered insights into visitors’ motivations and experiences, with scenery and landscape being the top draw (70%). Personal recommendations heavily influenced over half of visitors, while 71% rated their Scottish experience highly – as a nine out of 10 or higher. Notably, almost 60% of long-haul visitors deemed it their best holiday ever.